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L4V Van Alarm User Guide

You are protected by the L4V Van Alarm, the only Thatcham certified aftermarket alarm dedicated to the LCV market. The L4V Van Alarm is programmed to interact seamlessly with your vehicle’s original remote and provides features that will add a new level of protection to the load area.

Arming and Disarming the Alarm

The alarm is programmed to use your vehicle's original remote. This means when you lock and unlock your doors, you will be arming and disarming the alarm at the same time.

Arming and disarming the alarm is signalled by an audible beep.

One beep for armed, two beeps for disarmed.

The system has a 30 second pre-arming period (arming delay) during which the LED is on steady. After 30 seconds, the LED will flash once per second to confirm the alarm is armed.

Disabling Internal Sensors

The alarm system can be armed without activating the internal sensors i.e, Wireless Infrared Sensors (PIR) (Load Area) or Ultrasonics (Cab Area) whilst keeping the exterior perimeter protected (Anti-Peel / Anti-Tamper Sensors and Movement Sensors).

  1. Make sure the system is disarmed and ignition key is “OFF”.
  2. Insert the electronic key into it's receptacle. The LED will give a quick flash.
  3. Close vehicle doors and press the lock button on the vehicle original remote control.
  4. System activation is confirmed by a beep and a flash of the turn indicators (if features are enabled).

Note: Sensor exclusion is bound to each single arming cycle.

LED / Alarm Trigger Diagnostics

This feature allows you to ascertain the reason why your alarm triggered, and what part of the vehicle caused it.

If you return to your vehicle and the alarm has triggered, the system will give five beeps and five flashes of the turn indicators on disarm (instead of the usual 2 beeps). This will indicate there has been an alarm trigger prior to disarming.

To identify the cause of the last alarm trigger, turn the ignition key “ON” and count the number of flashes of the red status LED installed on the dashboard. It will indicate the last alarm detected. Optical signals are repeated 3 times in a row. To interrupt, turn ignition key “OFF”.

The table below lists the various alarm causes and relative number of LED flashes:

LED Flashes

2 - LED OFF - 2

Alarm Cause

Ignition attempt

Alarm Cycles


3 - LED OFF - 3

Door opening


4 - LED OFF - 4

Bonnet opening


5 - LED OFF - 5

Boot opening


6 - LED OFF - 6



8 - LED OFF - 8

Wireless door contacts & movement sensors


9 - LED OFF - 9

Wireless infrared sensors (PIR)


Note: Once the ignition key has been turned off, it will clear the alarm memory. Make sure you have identified the cause before doing so.

Emergency Override (Service Mode)

Service mode is for ‘’emergency disarming of the alarm’’ or ‘’total disarming of the alarm’’. To enter service mode:

  1. Whilst the alarm is sounding, place the electronic touch key into the receptacle.
  2. Once you have done this, the siren will stop sounding. This confirms you have disabled the alarm and entered valet mode.
  3. To exit service mode and restore normal operation, touch the electronic touch key into its receptacle. A high-pitched beep and flash of the status LED will confirm that the system is back to normal mode.

Note: It is extremely important you only do this in an emergency.

PIR (Passive Infrared Sensors)

PIR sensors work by detecting infrared light given off by a moving object, or a person emitting heat. They are positioned to give maximum protection, ready to trigger the alarm if anybody enters the load area.

  • To turn "ON" your PIR, press and hold the button on the frontand release the button once the light comes on. It should flash 3 times. This means the PIR is now "ON".
  • To Turn "OFF" Your PIR – press and hold the button on the front and release the button once the light comes on. It should flash 2 times. This means the PIR is now "OFF".
  • To check the PIR is working, press the button once and it should flash to show it's on. If this doesn’t happen, follow above to ensure it is turned on. If it won’t turn on, please replace the batteries.
MAINTENANCE: The PIR takes 2 x CR2032 batteries; please ensure you check them periodically.

Anti-Peel / Anti-Tamper Sensors

Locks 4 Vans have designed and manufactured vehicle-specific brackets for our electronic sensors, to reduce the risk of the common "Peel and steal" type attack (vehicle dependent).

  • To test the sensors, make sure the system is disarmed. Ensure the magnet on the door is next to the electronic sensor on the bracket. Slowly pull the door away from the sensor. The LED should light up for 1-2 seconds.
  • If the sensor doesn’t light up, it either means the sensor and magnet were not in it's tolerance range and / or the batteries in the electronic sensor are flat.
MAINTENANCE: Each sensor takes 1 x CR2032 battery, please ensure you check them periodically.

To find out more about the L4V Van Alarm, or to place an order, please email: or call 01474 636441


Frequently asked questions

Why do I need an alarm?
We understand the importance of protecting your van against theft - especially the attractive tools and goods it potentially stores. The lounder and longer a theft takes, the more likely a thief will be deterred.
How do I know if my alarm is working?

When you lock your vehicle, it will arm the alarm and the LED receptacle will go solid red for 30 seconds (Arming period). After this period, the LED will flash once a second. This now means your alarm is fully armed.

All your perimeter is armed.

- Anti-peels sensors are armed after 30 seconds.

- PIR will be fully armed after 5 minutes.

- L4V Motion sensors for your Pickup canopies will be armed after 5 minutes.

Why has my alarm gone off?
It could be one of several reasons: attempted break-in via a door, bonnet, ignition, cab window load area and low battery/power cut.
How to find out why my alarm went off?

After the alarm has been activated, disarm the alarm. You will receive 5 beeps to confirm the alarm was activated.

Open the door and turn the ignition on (lights on the dashboard, or as far as it will go before crank starting the engine).

The LED will flash in a sequence to determine the cause of the activation. It will flash the corresponding number 'pause' and continue 3 times in total. For example, 6 flashes is a ultrasonics (Cab).

For a graph list, please refer to the LED / Alarm Trigger see user guide for full breakdown.

How do I turn the ultrasonics off in the cab while my child or pet is in there?

The alarm system can be armed without activating the internal volumetric sensors (wireless infrared PIR or Ultrasonics), whilst keeping the exterior perimeter protected.

To do so, proceed as follows:

  • Make sure the system is disarmed and ignition key is “OFF”.
  • Insert the electronic key into its receptacle; the LED will give a quick flash.
  • Close vehicle doors and press the lock button on the vehicle original remote control.
  • System activation is confirmed by a beep and a flash of the turn indicators (if features are enabled).
  • Note: Sensor exclusion is bound to each single arming cycle i.e. on the next arming cycle it will default to normal active settings.
How long do the batteries last in my wireless sensors and what batteries do they take?
The batteries in your wireless sensors will last approximately 2 years. However, we advise to replace the door sensors annually. The batteries used are CR2032.
How do I check my wireless sensors in the load area / canopy are working?

They all take batteries. To test the batteries are still working, you can check the following:

PIR: Press the button once on the PIR and the LED should come on for a short period of time. This means that your PIR is working and the batteries are ok. If not, you would need to replace the CR2032 batteries and test again.

Wireless Anti-Peels sensors: Bring the magnet close to the sensor and then move the magnet away from the sensor. You should notice a red LED light up as you pull the two apart. If it does, the sensor is working and the batteries are fine. If not, replace the batteries with CR2032’s and test again.

L4V Motion Sensor: Press the button on the center of the sensor, a green light should flash as you press the button. If not replace the batteries with CR2032’s and test again.

We advise you to periodically check and change your batteries. If this doesn’t work, then seek technical advice.

How to perform a read back on my alarm?
After the alarm has been activated, disarm the alarm and turn the ignition on. The LED on the receptacle will flash in a sequence to determine the cause of the activation. For the graph list, please see user guide for full breakdown.
How to access programming mode?
Please seek advice from Technical Support on 01474 636441.
What is the electronic touch key for?
The electronic touch key is used to program the alarm, or it can be used to override the system in an emergency.
Why does my alarm not beep anymore when I arm / disarm the alarm?
This may be a programming issue. If you used to have it and now you don’t, most times the user has inserted the override touch key into while the ignition was on, and they entered programming mode. This will wipe all settings and go to default settings. Seek technical advice to re-program for the specific vehicle.
Why do my indicators flash all the time when arming?
This may be a programming issue. If you used to have it and now you don’t, most times the user has inserted the override touch key into while the ignition was on, and they entered programming mode. This will wipe all settings and go to default settings. Seek technical advice to re-program for the specific vehicle.
Why does my load area siren not sound anymore but my engine bay one does?
This may be a programming issue. If you used to have it and now you don’t, most times the user has inserted the override touch key into while the ignition was on, and they entered programming mode. This will wipe all settings and go to default settings. Seek technical advice to re-program for the specific vehicle.
What is the LED receptacle on my dashboard for?
The LED receptacle is used for multiple purposes, but most importantly, to check the armed / disarmed status of your alarm. It is also used to find out why your alarm went off.
What is my small electronic touch key for?

It is extremely important you use this very carefully.

It is either used as an emergency override (See user guide for full details).

Enter programming mode to either enable or disable alarm settings (Speak to an alarm technical advisor first). Both are to be used with caution.

What will happen if I put the electronic touch key into the LED receptacle on my dashboard?

If the ignition is off, there is nothing to be concerned about. Do not insert the electronic touch key while the ignition is on. This will enter programming mode and clear all the alarm settings.

You would need a technical advisor to talk you through re-programming them back in.

What do I do if my alarm goes off and I can’t turn it off with the factory remote?

You will need to use your override touch key to temporarily disable the alarm until you can speak to a technician.

While the alarm is sounding insert your touch key into the receptacle, if accepted it will turn the alarm off. Full details are within the user guide.

If this doesn’t work, you may have a power issue to the alarm and you will need to seek technical advice.


What if my vehicle battery goes flat?

Once your vehicle battery voltage drops below 9V, the alarm will sound to alert you there is not enough power. The siren will continue to sound for up to 18hrs (Depending on the charge in the sirens back up battery) or until power is re-applied.

The emergency override touch key would not turn the alarm off in this instance. To stop the alarm from continuously sounding, you would need to either jump start the vehicle, connect a battery charger or replace the battery.


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